JUAL DR900 COLORIMETER MURAH DI CIBINONG 087883373726, The DR900 is a fantastic choice when it comes to field testing multiple parameters. Our customers
love the ease of use of our handheld colorimeter. It is
portable, rugged and time tested. Simplify your testing in
the field by using the DR900.

JUAL DR900 COLORIMETER MURAH DI CIBINONG 087883373726, Multi parameter handheld water testing with over 90 colorimetric parameters for use in the most
demanding field environments


Portability, The portable colorimeter allows for quick
and easy access to your most frequently used testing methods
in less than four clicks. The portable colorimeter also
helps satisfying core testing needs by offering at least 90
of the most common testing parameters. Easy to use, This instrument comes with an intuitive user
interface, data storage for up to 500 tests and a built-in
USB port for the easy transfer of information. Ruggedness, This colorimeter is waterproof, dustproof,
shock resistant, and has been drop tested for greater
quality assurance. Combining all these features with a push
button backlit display for use in low light areas, you have
a portable colorimeter which is field-ready, and makes
testing in harsh field environments a little less
challenging. JUAL DR900 COLORIMETER MURAH DI CIBINONG 087883373726

silahkan hubungi ke nomor berikut (021) 87929332 atau
087883373726, email : info@sinditek.co.id atau
mfebrian@sinditek.co.id. Kami ada untuk memberikan yang

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