Jual Sani Check AB Murah Jakarta 087883373726

Sani Check AB

The growth of bacteria in the industrial environment can often lead to serious economic consequences. Elevated bacterial populations in aqueous systems such as cooling towers, metalworking fluids, and hydrocarbon fuels are responsible for extensive losses in productivity. Problems related to high levels of bacteria in these fluids include corrosion, slime formation, foul odor, and general decreases in fluid function. Effective biocide treatment is possible only if the degree of bacterial contamination is routinely determined through the use of a bacteria testing kit. The Sani-Check AB Bacteria Test Kit is a fast and easy method to monitor aerobic bacterial counts.

The Sani-Check AB Bacteria Test Kits contain flexible plastic strips to which nutrient-containing filter paper is attached. Each test kit is complete and ready to use. No special equipment or training is required. In addition to testing liquids, the Sani-Check AB Bacteria Test Kit is suitable for checking the sanitary quality of hard surfaces, particularly in the food processing industry. The flexibility of the strip makes it ideal for sampling hard to reach areas.

Jual Sani Check AB Murah Jakarta 087883373726
Aerobic bacteria are organisms which require oxygen and the Sani-Check AB Test Kit will support the growth of these microorganisms. Most bacteria that contaminate the industrial environment are in this category and will grow on Sani-Check AB test strips. Examples of these are included in the genera of Pseudomonas, Enterobacter, Escherichia, Klebsiella, Flavobacterium, and Alcaligenes.

Info lebih lengkap hubungi (021) 87929332 atau 087883373726 atau email : info@sinditek.co.id atau mfebrian@sinditek.co.id

Jual Sani Check AB Murah Jakarta 087883373726

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