JUAL MICROBMONITOR2 MURAH DI BOJONEGORO 085781885718, WHAT IS THE MICROBMONITOR2® TEST? The MicrobMonitor2 test consists of a screw-capped bottle containing a thixotropic nutrient gel. A sample is added to the gel using a sterile plastic loop or syringe (provided). The bottle is shaken and the gel liquefies and the sample, and any microorganisms in it are dispersed. The gel is re-set into a flat layer and the bottle is incubated in the dark. The gel contains components which sustain the growth of viable microorganisms and the sample itself contributes additional nutrients. Viable microorganisms in the sample grow into visible spots known as “colonies”, and a reactive compound changes the colour of these colonies to red or purple so that they can be easily seen. The number of colonies formed is a direct estimate of the number of viable microbial particles (CFU) present in the sample. The actual number of colonies is counted or is estimated by reference to the Test Results Chart (page 9). The volume tested can be 0.01 ml (using a sterile loop dispenser) or between 0.1 ml and 0.5 ml (using a sterile syringe). The number of colonies formed is considered in relation to the volume of sample added to the test and expressed as CFU/litre of fuel, or CFU/ml of oil or water associated with fuel.

JUAL MICROBMONITOR2 MURAH DI BOJONEGORO 085781885718, MicrobMonitor2 is a simple and easy to use test kit which enables the quantitative assessment of the viable microbial content in petroleum products including liquid fuels, oils and associated water. MicrobMonitor2 enables on-site or laboratory testing in accordance with ASTM and IP Standard Methods ASTM D7978 and IP613 – Determination of the viable aerobic microbial content of fuels and associated water – Thixotropic Gel Culture Method. MicrobMonitor2 is recommended in the IATA Guidance Material on Microbiological Contamination in Aircraft Fuel Tanks for monitoring microbial contamination in aircraft fuel tanks and is listed in the Aircraft Maintenance Manuals of Airbus, Boeing, BAE.

JUAL MICROBMONITOR2 MURAH DI BOJONEGORO 085781885718, Systems and other leading aircraft manufacturers. The test is used by a wide range of military services for monitoring contamination in aviation, marine and ground fuels and is NATO Codified (6640-99-834-3573). MicrobMonitor2 provides a total count of microbial colony forming units (CFU). CFUs are the conventional unit of measure for microbial contamination used in a wide range of industries. MicrobMonitor2 detects the important bacteria, yeasts and moulds which can contaminate petroleum products including Hormoconis resinae, Aspergillus, Candida and Pseudomonas species. JUAL MICROBMONITOR2 MURAH DI BOJONEGORO 085781885718

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