JUAL HVAS PM 10 FLOW METER FLOW RECORD SNI DI BOGOR 087883373726, HVAS is a tool that functions to collect particulates suspended in the air on special filter paper (glass fiber filters) inside or outside the ambient environment by sucking. This tool uses Mass Flow Control (MFC), so it is capable of measuring PM-2.5 , PM-10 , and TSP, for 24 hours straight. It features a high-speed suction motor, an all-weather design for durability, and ruggedized electronic components for accurate sampling of airborne particles. The presence of Volumetric Flow Control (VFC) on HVAS is supported by a shield that ensures the filter surface rests in a horizontal position.

JUAL HVAS PM 10 FLOW METER FLOW RECORD SNI DI BOGOR 087883373726, The HVAS PM10 is an instrument designed to collect ambient particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of 10µm or less. This sampler uses a size selective inlet to separate particulate matter larger than 10µm, ensuring that only the PM10 concentration is deposited onto the filter. Constructed from high quality components and tough anodized aluminum casing, this instrument is the perfect fit for any ambient sampling installation.

Specifications :
Air Flow : Max 2000 LPM (liter per minute)
Blower / Motor : 6000 rpm, 1200 Wattage , 1.5 HP, 6 ampere
Filter Holder : 8 x 10 inch ( glass fiber  filter paper)
Air Flow indicator scale : 1.5 m3 per minute
Material base : Aluminum 3 mm thickness
Shelter Dimension  : 285 x 385 x 650 mm
impactor Dimension : 480 x 480 x 250 mm
Stand Dimension : 435 x 435 x 495 mm

JUAL HVAS PM 10 FLOW METER FLOW RECORD SNI DI BOGOR 087883373726,Flow Meter Type T17 Staplex untuk High Volume Air Sampler dengan range 0-2000 LPM atau 2m3/menit

JUAL HVAS PM 10 FLOW METER FLOW RECORD SNI DI BOGOR 087883373726, Staplex® FR-1 and FR-2 Flow Recorder for High Volume Air Samplers. Provides a continuous written record of high volume air sampler flow rates, accurate to ± 2% full scale,includes 60 charts and pen
Model FR-2 230 VAC, 50Hz. Size 5-1/4 ” x 5-1/4 ” x 4″ (13.3 cm x 13.3 cm x 10.2 cm). Weight: 2.5-lbs. (1.1 Kg). Accessories FRC100 Circular Charts (60/box) and FRP6 Cartridge Pen (6/pack). Staplex® Model FR-1 and FR-2 Flow Recorders provide a permanent written record of High Volume Air Sampler performance to verify sampler flow rate over a 24-hour period.

JUAL HVAS PM 10 FLOW METER FLOW RECORD SNI DI BOGOR 087883373726, Models FR-1 and FR-2 connect to an exhaust pressure tap of a High Volume Air Sampler, such as Staplex® Model TFIA and TFIA-2. The air sampler flow rate is recorded on a circular chart that is electrically driven by the recorder. The flow recorder connects to the power source for chart rotation over the sampling time.
The recorder’s pressure measuring elements are heat-treated to prevent hysteresisrelated inaccuracies. Models FR-1 and FR-2 are accurate to + 2% full scale. Each circular chart is calibrated in cubic feet per minute (CFM) and cubic meters per minute (CMM), with 24-hour chart movement gradations.
Staplex® Models FR-1 and FR-2 feature metal case, which mounts to the inside the Staplex® SAM Aluminum Outdoor Shelter or similar shelter. Models FR-1 and FR-2 meet the requirements of a continuous flow recorder as stated in 40 CFR Part 50, Appendix B Reference Method for sampling Total Suspended Particulates (TSP) in the atmosphere and 40 CFR Part 52, No. 120 Appendix J for PM10 Air Sampling.
Each unit includes 60 charts, pen, tubing to connect to High Volume Air Sampler and plug-in electrical connection.

Info lebih lengkap hubungi (021) 87929332 atau 087883373726 atau email : info@sinditek.co.id atau mfebrian@sinditek.co.id ; indri@sinditek.co.id


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